How likely is it that I'm a carrier of Cystic Fibrosis?

Approximately 3% of the population are carriers of cystic fibrosis. You could be a carrier even if none of your family have the disease and even if you have already had children without cystic fibrosis.

Can men with cystic fibrosis still have children?

It is possible but is also unlikely. Men suffering from cystic fibrosis are mostly infertile due an abnormality in the vas deferens of the reproductive tract. However, sperm are still produced so techniques can be used for in vitro fertilisation.

Can I catch cystic fibrosis?

No, it is an inherited condition and is therefore present from birth.

Do carriers of cystic fibrosis have any symptoms?

No, many people don't realise they are carriers because they don't suffer any symptoms. If there is a family history of the disease a carrier test should be performed before considering having children.

My daughter has just been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Is there anything I can do to ensure she lives a long, healthy life?

Physiotherapy performed twice a day, along with the correct medication and a strict diet is the best option. Work with your doctor to find a diet plan suitable, which will include high fat and high carbohydrates. Also ensure enzyme supplements are taken befoe each meal to aid digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.

How can I donate money to help with research into cystic fibrosis?

There are several websites which take donations for CF research. Try visiting www.cff.org